To consider skills migration program, you start from which skill | Occupation you are after and here are the specification of occupations and assessing authorities. Occupations types are MLTSSL...
SkillSelect 6 Sep 2017 Invitation
Detailed reports for the invitation round are as follows. 1. Invitation issued Skilled - Independent (189): 1750 (Year total: 5750) Skilled - Regional Provisional (489): 46 (Year total: 512) 2....
Caveats on Occupations
Caveats are for Temporary Work (Skilled) visa 457 and Employer Nominatoin Scheme visa 186. Please check Caveats on certain occupations. Some common caveats are as follows; 1. Minimum two...
TASMANIA in transformation
TASMANIA in transformation. From 1 July 2017 New Category for Overseas applicants 489 Changes to eligibility for Category 3 Family in Tasmania will only be eligible for 489 From 1 August 2017 Labour...
Skilled visas changes
Quick summary of changes for skilled visas are as follows; List of eligible SOL Changes to points-tested skilled visas. 189, 190 and 489 Age limit: Under 45 years (except NZ pathway)...
1 July 2017 changes by DIBP
Here are quick review of changes from 1 July 2017. Visa and migration changes are as follows and please refer to department website here for more details. Visa application charges Skilled...
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