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Skilled visas changes

Quick summary of changes for skilled visas are as follows;


List of eligible SOL


Changes to points-tested skilled visas.

189, 190 and 489 Age limit: Under 45 years (except NZ pathway)

189 New Zealand Pathway
Age under 50, usually resident in Australia on or before 19 Feb 2016, 5 years in Australia and meet income threshold for the past five years.  (2012/13 $51,000, 2013/14 – 2016/17 $53,900)


ENS and RSMS changes

CAVEATS on occupations will apply.

ENS:Direct Entry program uses skills from MLTSSL and STSOL,

ENS Temporary Residence Transition stream is for current 457 visa holders.

RSMS will remain unaffected using ANZSCO skill level 1, 2 and 3

ENS and RSMS Direct Entry stream must be younger than 45 years of ages
TRT steam remains at less than 50 years until 1 March 2018 then change to 45.

ENS and RSMS TRT, each 6

Skills. Need skill assessment

Genuine need
ENS and RSMS TRT provide evidence of genuine need
ENS DE provide evidence of genuine need


* Related Instruments

MLTSSL and STSOL instrument 2017

457 Visa occupation list instrument 2017

ENS (186 DE) occupation list instrument 2017

RSMS (187) instrument 2017


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