News Media

6D points and EOI

6D points and EOI

6D points and EOI's "Date of effect"   New Point test table from 16 November 2019 for skilled migration program will be applied. Brief changes are as follows; Nomination point for 491, 15 points (previous 489 10 points) Study in Regional area: 5 points Single 10 points, Partner with English (Competent) 5 points and Partner [...]

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Regional definition: Study in Regional area and Graduate visa 485   Immigration is changing the definition of Regional with upcoming new skilled regionals visas. Originally, Regional are expect; Brisbane and Gold Coast, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.  With the recent media release, there will be a Regional centre concept. With new definition, there will be; Major [...]

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Study and Graduate

Study and Graduate

When you consider to study in Australia, consider followings   1. Fields of study What do you like to do? What things you enjoy? Check field of study and decide what to study. Broad fields of education are as follows; Natural and Physical Sciences Information Technology Engineering and related technologies Architecture and building Agriculture, environmental [...]

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Document Checklist Tool

Document Checklist Tool

Document Checklist Tool for student visa   For the student visa application, Department of Home Affairs currently uses Simplified Student Visa Framework (SSVF) which based on combined country and education provider evidence level model. Documentary Evidence List are; Identity : Passport Evidence of intended Study: COE (Confirmation of Enrolment) Health Insurance Genuine Temporary Entrant Requirement [...]

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485 Health Insurance

485 Health Insurance

For 485 Temporary Graduate visa, You need to have adequate Health insurance to apply and it is visa condition that you need to maintain it.   OSHC (Overseas Student health cover) is acceptable health insurance if you still hold student visa when you apply 485 visa.  You can start your OVHC (Overseas Visitor Health Cover) [...]

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Visa Services


Skilled Migration 189

State Nomination 190

Skilled Work Regional 491


Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional 494

Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme 187

Employer Nomination Scheme 186 

 Visitor 600


Partner Onshore 820 | 801 

Australian Citizenship



Live in Australia



Point Test | EOI | Invitation



Study in Australia



Vocational Education & Training

Higher Education




Graduate and Work


Temporary Graduate 485

– Graduate Work Stream

– Post-Study Work Stream