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Document Checklist Tool

Document Checklist Tool for student visa   For the student visa application, Department of Home Affairs currently uses Simplified Student Visa Framework (SSVF) which based on combined country and education provider evidence level model. Documentary Evidence List are; Identity : Passport Evidence of intended Study: COE (Confirmation of Enrolment) Health Insurance Genuine Temporary Entrant Requirement [...]

Student visa program updates

Please see below for updates for student visa application.   1. Peak processing period The department is expecting a significant increase in student visa applications being lodged and complete application at least Six weeks recommended.   2. Subsequent entrant dependent student visa application delays Since applications by primary student visa applicants take priority.   3. [...]

Health Insurance for students

As part of student visa conditions, all student visa holders must have overseas student health cover (the "OSHC").  You need to cover for the duration of your student visa.  To check how long your student visa will be, see student visa grant periods.     The start day of OSHC should be the day student arrive [...]

Student visa financial capacity requirement

Depend on the student visa assessment level which is combination of country of passport and Australian institute level, you may be required to provide financial documents upfront or Department of Home Affairs (the "DHOA") case officer may ask for it as part of further assessment.   Living cost From 1 February 2018, the 12 months [...]

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