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Document Checklist Tool

Document Checklist Tool for student visa


For the student visa application, Department of Home Affairs currently uses Simplified Student Visa Framework (SSVF) which based on combined country and education provider evidence level model.

Documentary Evidence List are;

  • Identity : Passport
  • Evidence of intended Study: COE (Confirmation of Enrolment)
  • Health Insurance
  • Genuine Temporary Entrant Requirement
  • Evidence of financial capacity
  • Evidence of English language ability
  • Employment history
  • Change of Name
  • Relationship – spouse, de facto partner
  • Welfare arrangements for under 18 year old student
  • Parental consent
  • Evidence of school enrolment for dependants
  • Migration Agent Form 956 advice by a migration agent


Immigration’s online document checklist tool will advise you about the required documents.


If you have further question about your study and visa, please let us know.

Storyoz Team

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