News Media
-Storyoz COVID-19 안내 현재 호주는 코로나바이러스로 인해 여행 및 모임 등이 제한되고 있으니 유의하시고, 관련 정보는 이민성의 아래 링크에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
AAT Statistics 2020 Jan
Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has a caseload report Financial year to 31 January 2020. Following are some details for student visa cases....
JRE eligible employment
JRE ("Job Ready Employment") is for you to gain experience in an Australian workplace to further development in your career. You need to complete at...
Scan Documents
Need to scan your documents properly? Try scanning function with One Drive, Dropbox or Google Drive mobile apps. One Drive:...
485 English level
For 485 Graduate visa, either for graduate stream or post study work stream, it requires following English level to apply the visa. You need to show...
ACECQA PSA for Childcare Centre Manager
ACECQA Provisional Skills Assessment ("PSA") for Childcare Centre Manager (ANZSCO 134111) ACECQA does provide Provisional Skill Assessment...
Visa Services
Skilled Migration 189
State Nomination 190
Skilled Work Regional 491
Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional 494
Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme 187
Employer Nomination Scheme 186
Visitor 600
Partner Onshore 820 | 801
Australian Citizenship
Live in Australia
Point Test | EOI | Invitation
Study in Australia
Vocational Education & Training
Higher Education
Graduate and Work
Temporary Graduate 485
– Graduate Work Stream
– Post-Study Work Stream