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JRE eligible employment

JRE (“Job Ready Employment”) is for you to gain experience in an Australian workplace to further development in your career.

You need to complete at least 1725 hours of paid employment over a minimum of 12 months from your JRE start date.


For JRE eligible employment, followings are from the section 2.2.9 of the Job Ready Program Applicant Guidelines (Guidelines). 

Source: TRA JRP step 2 – JRE


2.2.9. Eligible employment

For your employment to be eligible, it must:
• be with your current employer listed on your ERF
• not have been used to meet the work component of the PSA
• involve work at an appropriate skill level and include a range of tasks and duties relevant to
your nominated occupation
• be paid in accordance with applicable industrial awards or agreements and Australian
workplace relations laws

• be in an employer‐employee arrangement where:
 work is assigned to you by your employer/supervisor and you complete the work
under their direction
 you work the number of hours per day/shift as agreed by your employer
 the employer provides you with pay slips
 the employer makes superannuation contributions on your behalf
 you accrue annual leave and/or other leave entitlements
• be registered and approved by TRA following receipt of your ERF

Usually, from part time employment, you accure annual lease and/or other leave entitlement.

For Chef, you can start your employment from cook and move on to Chef as career progress.


For more TRA JRP assessment and permanent resident (PR) plan, contact Storyoz today.

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