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When you think of Skilled migration, you need to consider what Skill or Occupation you have.    MLTSSL is Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List which can be used for Skilled Independent and 4 years of TSS (Temporary Skills Shortage) and Skilled Employer path such as RSMS and ENS. STSOL is Short Term Skilled [...]

NT DAMA and migration path

What is NT DAMA and migration path? Let's check it out for Northern Territory. 1. NT Graduates: Who studied at least 2 years: Any occupations and need skill assessment (NT Gov Nomination 190) 2. International students who has 485 (studied in other states): MLTSSL/ live in NT and work in closely related occupation for 6 [...]

Partner Visa: sponsorship approval

For partner visa new rules are on the way. The Migration Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2016 has passed 28/11/2018. With others, a prior approval of a sponsor BEFORE a valid application is lodged.   This introduce a sponsorship framework for the sponsored family visa program. The proposed changes will: -Separate sponsorship assessment [...]

SA New Entrepreneur

South Australia is opening doors for new entrepreneurs.   The Supporting Innovation in South Australia (SISA) pilot is on now.  SISA will run over three years, commencing in November 2018 and ending November 2021.   - SISA Visa will valid until November 2021. - Entrepreneurs who are successful in establishing their business venture in Australia [...]

Working Holiday Maker Visa changes

Here are some changes from 5 November 2018,   1. Expanding the regional ares where 462 visa holders can work in Agriculture (plant and animal cultivation) 2. 417 and 462, Increase period from 6 to 12 months in agriculture (plant and animal cultivation) for one employer. 3. Third year option for 417 and 462 who [...]

Skillselect 2018 SEP

Skillselect 11 September 2018 Report.     ID Occupation Points Visa date of effect Occupation Ceiling Value 2018-19 Invitation to date Ceiling Left 2211 Accountants 80 25/05/2018 9:59am                   3,753                636            3,117 2212 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 80 1/05/2018 10:54am                   1,342                227            1,115 2334 Electronics Engineer 70 15/11/2017 10:32am [...]

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