BUPA Medical Visa Services (MVS) You can do your immigration health examination at BUPA MVS around Australia. Service and Fees (Metro A Centres) Medical Examination and Chest X-ray...
Temporary Skill Shortage, TSS Eligibility
For Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS, 482) visa, you basically need followings requirement. Age: No age limit but you should be under 45 when you apply ENS. English IELTS 5.0 each Be nominated by an...
Registered Nurse EOI 65 points plan
Are you Registered Nurse and hit 65 points but still on. graduate visa waiting for Invitation? It used to. be getting invitation after you hit the minimum points 60 (Before July 2018) is around 1...
NOV 2019 changes for Skilled migration Point System
New changes for Skilled migration point system is coming November 2019. For supporting regional migration and skilled migrants, 16 November 2019 changes will support clients with; More points for; -...
AFP NPC (National Police Checks) Australian Federal Police's National Police check are needed for some visa application as part of character requirement. It is for all applicants who is over...
The Points Table
The Points Table Followings criteria are toward points for Australian skilled migration program. If you are at your prime age with good English (IELTS 7.0 each), studied in Australia...
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