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When you think of Skilled migration, you need to consider what Skill or Occupation you have.    MLTSSL is Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List which can be used for Skilled...

Skillselect 2018 SEP

Skillselect 11 September 2018 Report.     ID Occupation Points Visa date of effect Occupation Ceiling Value 2018-19 Invitation to date Ceiling Left 2211 Accountants 80 25/05/2018 9:59am...

NAATI CCL Test Application OPEN

NAATI CCL (Credentialed Community Language) Testing application is open NOW.   NAATI now open for the CCL test application. In 2018, NAATI will run CCL tests in the following weeks: 18-22...

My Big Tomorrow

Thinking big for your career and wondering what a career in real life is like?   Check this "My Big Tomorrow" site to explore what career you are after. Find from Aerospace System Engineer to...

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