491 SWR Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa This visa is replacing current 489 visa from 16/11/2019. Followings are quick points for 491 SWR visa. -5 years visa -Replace 489 Skilled...
Points test table NEW
Points test table from 16/11/2019 will be as follow; Factor Description Current Points New Points Your point Age 18 - 24 25 25 - 32 30 33 - 39 25 ...
New Skilled Regional Visas
Two new skilled regional visas (provisional) will be introduced from 16/11/2019. 491 SWR Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa 494 SESR Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional visa Then Permanent...
TRA JRP Steps 2-4 updates
TRA (Trade Recognition Australia) will introduce new simplified JRP (Job Ready Program) steps 2-4 from 10 July 2019. No monthly journal but simpler Quarterly Progress Report (templates provided)...
Visa Fee increase from 1 July 2019
As part of budget 2019-2020, Visa application charge from 1 July 2019. Followings are checked with IMMI website accordingly and actual increase are between 7.66% to 7.75% etc. Check your visa...
CPA Skills Assessment Fee from 1 July 2019
Are you thinking to get skills assessment by CPA Australia? CPA Skills Assessment Fee updates are on the way. Form 1 July 2019, Skills assessment fees will be increased as follows; New...
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