All Indian passport holders can lodge online visitor visa from 1 July 2017. With the increase of visitor visa application from India, finally Indians can lodge the visitor visa online. ...
What is AQF Level
AQF is Australian Qualifications Framework. The AQF is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training. AQF levels are an indication of the relative complexity...
Student Visa Digest OSHC
This is quick review of issues from the student visa digest from DIBP. From 1 Sep 2016 to 30 Nov 2016, 80,300 student visas were granted. (19.3 per cent increase when compared to last year.) Best...
PTE Academic
Considering PTE Academic? It is fast, flexible test dates and approved by DIBP. You will have your result within 5 business days. (Usually 1 day after your test now) In Sydney, you can...
Applying PR as Accountant after 485
Lodged 485 Graduate visa and wondering what to do with your PR application? First thing first. Full Skill Assessment. You need at least bachelor level study of accounting subjects and...
Careers @ your university
What are you doing this summer? Planning internship? Find out more at your career centre. Do you know that your university has career centre for you? Have you been there? If you joined a course as...
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